All Cat Lovers Should Check This Out
Consider your cat as a family member. For that reason, you need to do anything you can so prevent them from getting fleas, ticks or any other parasite. They have needs that are different from dogs, and they should not be treated the same way. The following techniques and tips can help you take care of your cat efficiently.
Drape Cords
If you have drape cords in your home, keep them away from your cats. If the cat becomes caught in a loop, they could choke to death. This could cause injury or death. Be sure your drape cords are strongly secured.
Cats enjoy getting into small spaces. If they have a collar on, this might prove to be a safety risk if they happen to get stuck. The advantage to a breakaway type collar is that if enough pressure is put on it, it will just let go rather than strangle the cat. Your cat can preserve a few of his nine lives with this.
Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. They need a check-up and possibly vaccinations. When the cat seems to be acting abnormally, take it to the vet immediately.
Don’t try using dog food or products for your cat. If you try to use products meant for dogs, it can make your cat sick, or even kill him. This particularly applies to flea products. Dog products that are flea related can kill a cat. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours.
It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Even an indoor cat can get the urge to run out of a door or leap through a window. Even if you put a collar or tag on your cat, be careful as they can wiggle out of these very easily and can be dangerous if they get caught on a foreign object like a tree branch. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and can hold all of your contact information. Most shelters have a scanner that can pick up the facts located inside the chip.
If you are traveling with a cat in tow, be aware of the noises in your car. Although you may love singing loudly to your favorite songs while driving, your cat would probably prefer softer sounds. To keep you cat from feeling nervous, keep the volume at a lower level. A trip is already stressful for a pet.
Cover the area around your cat’s bowl with a cloth. Sometimes cats like to take food out of the bowl and eat it to the side of the bowl. Sometimes this will make the area around the bowl messy, and you’ll have to clean it. To simplify your clean up duties, place a ready made placemat under the dish or purchase some inexpensive fabric and use it like a tablecloth.
Before you consider buying a kitten for your children, make sure clear boundaries are set before you bring the kitten home. Tell your kids which rooms the cat is allowed in. If you’re planning on keeping your kitty inside full time, make sure your kids know their pet shouldn’t go outdoors. Creating rules and boundaries will help the children learn what is allowed.
Don’t leave a kitten with small kids. A child less than five years old should not be left alone with a small pet. Most of them simply aren’t mature enough to grasp the concept of danger to themselves or the animal. Find your child’s age of maturity when it comes to handling pets.
Purchase good quality food for your cat. Look at the ingredients and make sure protein like fish, chicken, or beef is near the top. Some foods contain a lot of fillers like corn products, don’t buy those. Because cats are carnivores, their diet need only consist of a good source of protein.
Moist, canned food can be a very good option for your cat. While dry food is less costly, the canned food has added benefits. The water content is higher, and there is more protein and fat in the canned food. If your cat is getting older, canned food is easier to chew as well. Speak with the vet, but food in cans tends to be better.
Is there cat hair everywhere? Cats shed considerably; therefore, it is very important you brush them frequently. If your cat sheds, it’s important to brush then frequently. Brushing is a good way to keep your cat’s coat from getting matted and tangled.
Relocating the litter box can often help curb a problem with cats that refuse to use it. Just like humans, cats can be sensitive to where they eliminate, so choose a private location if possible. A basement, laundry room, or another area that doesn’t experience much household traffic is the ideal spot for the litter box.
Always keep your declawed cat indoors. Your cat may be seriously injured or killed because they are not prepared to defend themselves against another animal who may attack them. Indoor cats are the only type of cat that needs to be declawed. If you do decide to declaw your indoor cat, do not remove the back claws. Don’t have the back claws removed, since cats don’t use them to scratch up your house.
All animals can get parasites, and cats are no exception. These pests stay on the cat until you treat it with a parasite removal product. Owning a cat can be an incredible experience. You cat will thank you when you do.