A cat is member of the family just like anyone else. You should do your best to keep them in good health and take good care of them. If these organisms are on your cat, they are at risk of infection. Continue reading for some great tips.
Cats love to get into tight, small spaces. If you keep a collar on your pet, getting stuck in one of these spaces can be very dangerous. A breakaway collar will let go if it is pulled on too tightly. This will allow your cat to live another day if it gets tangled up.
Use bitter apple on your electric cords to keep your kitty away from them. If your cat still insists on chewing your cords, try to cover as many of them as possible. You can hide away any cords inside the rolls that come inside paper towels. The cords on electronics should be hidden as well.
Think about putting a microchip in your pet. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. Cats can get out of a collar or, worse, have that collar choke them to death. Microchips are as tiny as a piece of rice and will tell people where the cat belongs. Nearly every vet and shelter owns a scanner which can read a microchip, and since they’re implanted, there isn’t a risk of the chip falling out or getting lost.
Your cat needs love and attention. They want the same level of companionship that they give to you as their owner. Cats are social animals and will thrive when they are included in daily activities and life. They want to feel like a contented and satisfied member of the family.
Cat Medicine
Find cat medicine online if you want to get discounts. In emergency situations, buying online may not be a good option. If you are buying cat medicine often, you can usually save up to 50% online.
Your cat should like their carrier. The same response to punishment that you would expect from a dog does not apply to a cat. Cats learn well when they feel encouraged. Place a blanket or favorite toy inside the carrier to make your cat more acclimated to the carrier. Over time the cat will not be stressed about the carrier and will enter it voluntarily. Once this is achieved, you can transport your cat inside the carrier much easier.
Purchase high quality food for your cat. Look at the ingredients and make sure protein like fish, chicken, or beef is near the top. Corn and other such protein-free fillers are things you want to stay well away from. Cats are carnivores and need animal protein to stay healthy.
When your cat starts urinating often or in odd places, it may be time to see the vet. This behavior may be indicative of an infection of the urinary tract or some other issue. A quick course of antibiotics can head off dangerous complications if you get your cat diagnosed and treated early enough.
A cat’s life isn’t complete without play. Just like playtime is important for other types of pets, the same holds true for your cat, despite whatever their age happens to be. Even older cats like to play. Play with your cat, and you’ll both have fun.
Has your cat stopped using its litter box? If so, consider moving the box into another location. A cat has instincts that tell it when it goes to the bathroom it is vulnerable. This is why a box should be placed in an area that is quiet and safe. Good examples are laundry rooms, basements and other areas away from the hustle and bustle of the home.
Happy dogs wag their tail. Cats move their tails too, but it’s not for the same reason. For cats, tail-wagging usually indicates some type of conflict or that he is deciding whether or not to attack or flee from a situation. If you’re holding the cat and their tail begins wagging, they should be put down so that you don’t get scratched or hit.
A cat that is declawed should never spend time being outside. The cat will have difficulty playing with other animals and may get hurt. Only indoor cats should be declawed. The front claws should be the only ones removed. You do not have to touch claws on the back, as these claws do not damage the floor.
Cats have a very sensitive nose and can easily detect any changes to their environment. This can cause problems when making changes in diet and surroundings. You should give your cat time to adjust to new items in his world. They’ll get used to it given time.
Before you let your cat be an outdoor cat, consider the dangers of fleas, fungus and rabies. While it is possible for a home bound cat to catch some of these diseases, the chances are increasingly significantly when a cat spends a good amount of time outdoors.
Investigate for spaces you don’t want your cat getting into. Cats are able to fit through gaps that are very small. Kittens can also be very creative in their explorations. Beware of this as you bring a new kitty into your home. Seal up all holes no matter how small they might seem.
Just like any other animal, your cat could easily get infected by parasites. If you do not take action to ensure your cat’s health, the results can be disastrous for both of you. Get rid of these parasites by using the tips below. Your furry friend will thank you.