Although independent, cats still require plenty of care from their owners. You don’t groom a cat the same way you would a dog or another type of pet. You need to brush them, but not bathe them often. The following article has some tips for you.
Grooming is an essential part of your cat’s care. Regular combing and brushing is usually all that is required. Brushing rids your cat’s coat of dirt and helps keep them clean. Removing excess hair also reduces shedding and can prevent hairballs. Regularly grooming keeps cats looking well and keeps your home neater.
Putting a warm tile beneath the bed of an older cat will help it rest comfortably. Just get a tile and heat it up in the oven for a while to place under the cat’s bed. Keep the temperature of the oven at 200 degrees. Wrap the tile inside an unneeded towel and place it under your kitty’s favorite resting spot. When the tile cools down, change it out for a fresh, warm one.
Never use something that is intended for a canine on your feline. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Flea treatments made for a dog can be fatal to a cat. Keep your cat away from your puppy after treating it with some flea products.
Make sure your cat is out of harms way by putting a little bitter apple on all the electrical cords to avoid them getting shocked. If they like to chew on cords, try covering them as much as you can. Tuck loose cords into old toilet paper or paper towel rolls. Cats are drawn to wires and cords, so you should keep them out of sight and out of mind if they are not being used.
Think about getting a microchip implanted in your cat. One day, your indoor cat might leave through an open door or get outside through an open window. A collar and identification tags can help bring your pet back to you. But experts point out that collars that do not snap apart quickly if your cat gets it caught on a branch or even a bush can accidentally strangle your cat. A microchip about as big as a grain of rice and holds all the contact information your cat needs. Scanners to read pet microchips are available in every town and they will not come out from under the skin.
Though a veterinarian will almost always have a supply of medications that your cat needs, it can be more cost-effective to purchase them from online venues. When an emergency strikes, however, you may not have the option of buying medications on the Internet. If you are buying cat medicine often, you can usually save up to 50% online.
You should create a tablecloth for the cats in your home. Some cats like removing food from their bowl and eating it beside their bowl. If this happens, you’ll have to clear away any excess food that’s left outside. An easy solution to this problem is a placemat underneath the food dish, or a piece of fabric you can easily wash.
Try as hard as you can to understand the reason your cat meows at you. If you live with a cat for any amount of time, you will soon start to understand what your cat wants when she meows. It could be she’s hungry or needs to go outside. You should pay attention to these cues and you will eventually learn to decipher them.
Is there a dog in your home, as well as a cat? Dogs often take advantage of dining on the cat’s food. This is why it is necessary to have two separate feeding areas. In doing so, you prevent spats and spitting over competition for water.
Discuss any issues you have with your pet with others. You can often get great advice from friends and family. You can find several cat forums online where you can ask questions, or you can choose to simply call your vet for advice too.
Get your cat accustomed to a carrier. Dogs and cats will respond differently to punishment. Cats learn well when they feel encouraged. Put the carrier in a comfortable place and fill it with treats and toys. The cat will eventually get into it and feel comfy. As the cat becomes used to being in the carrier, it will become easier to transport them in it.
Pay attention if your cat suddenly stops using the litter box properly. It may be the sign of an underlying medical issue. It could be an indication of a serious health problem. A potentially serious illness can be prevented with some inexpensive antibiotics.
If you want your cat to live a long, healthy life, be sure he gets his shots when he is supposed to an take him for a yearly check-up. Your cat needs these periodic checks and particular immunizations in order to stay healthy. Your cat is a member of your family, so treat them like any valued member of your home.
Litter Box
Take notice if and when your cat ever stops conducting their business in their litter box. Abandoning proper litter box habits is often a warning sign of serious health problems in cats. These conditions include kidney and bladder problems. Contact your veterinarian if your pet abandons its litter box.
Once your cat has had the best grooming possible, it can look good. It is your responsibility to make sure your cat looks (and actually is!) healthy. Make sure that you groom your cat every couple of days. Use the advice you’ve read to help you groom your cat regularly.