Cat owners find endless joy with their pet. You must put a lot of work into owning a cat. There are a few things that every person who owns a cat needs to know. This article is full of information regarding those particular responsibilities. Read on and learn.
Move any drape cords out of a cat’s reach. These are not great play toys for cats. They can wrap around a cat’s neck pretty easily. This is an extreme choking hazard and should be prevented at all costs. All drape cords should be fastened and kept away from any harm that might come to the cats.
Regular visits to the vet will preserve your cat’s health. They need a check-up and possibly vaccinations. If you notice that your cat appears to be experiencing some sort of illness or injury, do not delay a trip to the vet.
Give your cat plenty of love and affection. They want the same level of companionship that they give to you as their owner. Like many people, cats need to socialize with people so that they feel like they are an important part of their family’s lives. They’ll know they are accepted as members of the family if they get plenty of loving attention.
If you need cat medication, consider searching online instead of using your veterinarian in order to find a better deal. In some cases you may not be able to buy online, in the case of emergencies, for instance. The savings can amount to almost 50 percent on regularly prescribed medications.
Cats love to be high up. To keep your cat healthy, provide your cat with a high place to sit. You do not need a big cat tree in the living room; simply provide a solid shelf next to a window. The cat will especially enjoy it if you put a blanket on top.
Give your cat a good brushing regularly. It really helps move natural oils around the cat’s fur, and it improves blood flow. It can also reduce the amount of loose hair they have. Avoid the choking that can be a result of hairballs which slowly build up as your cat grooms himself.
Make sure to give your cats different types of food so that they aren’t as finicky. If you feed them the same cat food every day, they may not accept anything else. This makes it difficult to find food they’ll eat when a store runs out of a certain brand, or you are traveling.
Always make sure that your cat has on identification tags and a collar. This is essential, even for indoor pets. Cats are curious creatures, and you never know when they might wander off to explore. The tag should have your phone number on it. Include your cat’s special diet or medical needs on his identification.
Is your home covered in your cat’s fur? Cats shed a ton, so they must be brushed frequently. How often and how much your cat sheds can give you a good idea of how often he need to be brushed. Brushing can help prevent their fur from matting or tangling.
Don’t ever declaw cats that go outdoors. The cat won’t be able to fight back if other animals attack it and that could get it hurt or killed. Only indoor cats should be declawed. Even with that, only their front claws should be removed. You do not have to touch claws on the back, as these claws do not damage the floor.
Never make the choice of giving your cat human medication. If your cat is suffering from a medical condition, be sure and take them to a vet to get the proper medication. Giving your pet medication that was meant for you can hurt them pretty seriously and it may even cause death.
You should look for holes in which your cat could hide. Cats can sneak into small gaps and areas. This is very true of kittens. Remember this if you bring a new cat or kitten home. If you find holes of any size that the cat could get through, repair them.
Do not allow your cat to eat from your hand or under the table. Human food isn’t great for cats because of the ingredients, additives, and cooking methods. However, it is safe to give them a small spoonful of meat that does not contain garlic or onion, and a little bit of cooked egg is fine, too. Abiding by feeding instructions for your cat’s weight and age completes the diet.
There are a number of owners who think their cats must be bathed often. Bathing your cat is generally not necessary unless they’re really dirty or a mishap has occurred. Cats actually groom themselves quite often, using their tongues which are barbed to remove debris and dirt from their fur. Cats tend to be obsessed with the way that they look.
You cat will likely be upset when you bring another pet home. In the beginning, make sure the two animals stay away from one another. This makes it easier for your cat to adjust to the animal’s smell. Once sufficient time has passed, it should be okay to allow the two cats to mingle.
One of the most important and rewarding things you’re able to provide for your cat is to have it spayed or neutered. Cats are curious creatures. Indoor cats do get out occasionally. If they are out for just a little while, there’s a risk that they may return pregnant. Thousands of cats are put down every year from overpopulation.
In conclusion, there are many benefits from being a cat owner. But, you need to properly care for your cat if you would like for it to live its best life. Use these tips to make your cat’s life complete.