The sound of a cat purring is a delight sound to behold. This can reduce your stress level, and it seems to reduce the cat’s stress level as well. The easiest way to get your cat to purr is by taking good care of him. This article will provide some tips for you to keep your cat happy and purring.
Contact local shelters if you want to adopt a cat. Shelters have tons of great cats and their adoption fee will generally cover necessary vet care. When adopting a shelter cat, you’re saving a life and aiding in controlling the cat population.
Don’t use dog products on your cats ever. Cats will react very negatively to any products intended for dogs. This will especially be true if it’s a product for fleas. Products used for flea prevention in dogs can be very harmful to your cat. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours.
A cat can do a lot of damage to your furniture with its claws. If you want to prevent or stop your cat from scratching up your furniture, the best thing to do is buy a scratching post or kitty tower for them to climb in. Place this device into an area that your cat frequents, and attempt to get your cat to scratch it rather than the furniture. Your cat will eventually understand they should only use the post or tower for scratching.
Think about getting a microchip for your feline friend. Even though a cat may live inside, you never know if it will run out the door to escape. A collar with tags increases your chances of getting your cat back if it gets lost but it can also be a risk, for instance if it gets snagged in some branches. A microchip, on the other hand, is inserted near your cat’s shoulder blades, takes only a second to do, and all of your current contact info can be read through the chip. Most shelters and veterinarians can scan your pet to read the information on the chip, and the chip cannot be lost since it is beneath the skin.
Make sure your cat is not too bored. Every cat needs exercise time and play! Too frequently this need is overlooked by owners. Bored cats tend to develop emotional and mental disorders that may negatively impact their health. Provide your cats with the toys and space it needs. A scratching post is a valuable toy to put in your home.
Your cat needs attention and a lot of affection. Your cat will enjoy your company if you pet and play with her. Cats need social time with the family just like people do so that they know that they are valued. This will increase the love that surrounds the family.
Use quality food to prevent crystals from forming in a cat’s urine. Passing these crystals is painful and the vet bill to have this corrected is expensive. Keep your cat’s diet low in levels of magnesium. Go over the label carefully. Foods that contain fish usually have more magnesium.
Try and figure out why kitty is meowing. If you live with a cat for any amount of time, you will soon start to understand what your cat wants when she meows. The cat may want something to eat or to get let out. Watch their cues to learn more about them.
Discuss any issues you have with your pet with others. Although you might want to take care of things on your own, advice from other people with cats can be a big help. The Internet will allow you to contact many forums and online communities for cat owners. Don’t forget, your vet’s office can also provide sound advice.
Get your feline acclimated to its carrier. Cats just don’t respond like dogs do when it comes to punishment. Encouragement is usually a much better option. Place a blanket or favorite toy inside the carrier to make your cat more acclimated to the carrier. Soon that cat will walk into the carrier on its own. Once this is achieved, you can transport your cat inside the carrier much easier.
If the cats scratching post is looking tired and worn out, never throw it away. You may believe that it’s in terrible condition, but cats typically prefer it this way. By removing the old item and replacing it with a new one, your cat may try to find another item to scratch. This could end up being furniture.
Understand that all cats need exercise and play time. Of course, all mammals like to play, regardless of age or species. Older cats do not have the same energy level as younger ones, but they still like to play a little. Make an effort to have playtime with your cat regularly.
Litter Box
Put some thought into where you place the litter box. Your first instinct may be to hide it away out of sight and out of smelling range. It is important to locate the litter box where your cat can easily get to it. This will keep your cat as happy as possible. If the litter box is on a hard surface, make sure to put something soft underneath it.
Try moving your litter box somewhere else if the cat won’t use it. Just like humans, cats can be sensitive to where they eliminate, so choose a private location if possible. A basement or laundry area might be a good option.
Cats that are happy and content often purr, which is a good sign that it’s important to take care of them well. Use the advice that you have just read to keep your cat happy and healthy. Try these tips if you want your kitty to purr a bit more.