Popular poet T.S. Eliot once stated cats are animals which households depend on. He was not entirely wrong in this statement. A cat who is healthy and behaves well can be a great companion, and he can be an asset to any home. Unfortunately, cats aren’t the easiest pets to live with. This advice will make it easier to live a happy life with your cat.
Properly groom your cat. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis. This leads to a cleaner cat. It can cut down on shedding and spitting up hairballs, too. Regularly grooming keeps cats looking well and keeps your home neater.
Location is key when placing a litter box. Don’t put it in a busy area, and keep it away from your cat’s food. You’ll want to place the box in a spot with good ventilation to avoid unpleasant smells. This will keep both you and your cat happy.
Cats will often devote most of their time to grooming. If the cat has longer hair, it can be the cause of hairballs. Special food can help. Some cat foods are specially formulated to help reduce hairballs, which is good for both you and your pet.
Male cats often develop crystals in their bladder that come out in their urine. This can be prevented with a proper diet. It can be painful to pass these crystals and your vet bill will be priced accordingly. Feed your cat food that is low in magnesium. Just as in the grocery store, take the time to read the labels. Fish products can have more magnesium when compared to poultry.
Make a tablecloth that your cat can use. It’s a common practice for cats to eat their food on the side of their bowl. That can mean a bigger mess for you to clean. Simply place a cloth placemat that will grab at the food under their plate and then shaken out over the trash. You can put a vinyl one underneath that can be picked up wiped down easily if you prefer.
Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your children know what rooms you will allow the cat to go into. If the cat is to be indoors, tell your children not to allow him outside. Setting the rules in advance will ensure your children understand.
Be cautious when leaving a kitten with children. A child less than five years old should not be left alone with a small pet. A child of that age doesn’t realize when they are being too rough with a pet. When they mature, they can spend alone time with the kitty.
Brush your cat’s coat often. It really helps move natural oils around the cat’s fur, and it improves blood flow. As an added bonus, it cuts down on loose fur. This is a good way to avoid hairballs, which are a serious health problem since they can cause choking.
Litter Box
When your cat makes a mess somewhere other than their litter box, don’t get mad. Often, this happens when the litter box is dirty. If your pet is punished, you won’t do anything but make it afraid of you.
If your cat’s about to have kittens, create a spacious area in which she can do so. You need to be patient, as it will be three or four hours before all the kittens have been born. If six hours have gone by and you think there are still more kitten inside the cat, take her to a vet immediately.
If your pet is avoiding its litter box, try moving it to a different spot. Just like humans, cats can be sensitive to where they eliminate, so choose a private location if possible. A couple of good places to put your cat box are your basement and laundry room.
Dogs will often wag their tails to show their happiness or excitement. When a cat wags its tail, it’s for a completely different reason. When a cat is wagging its tail, it’s actually feeling threatened and mulling over the classic question of fight or flight. Likewise, if you are holding your cat, and he suddenly starts to wag his tail, you may need to let him down to avoid swats or scratches to yourself!
Health Problems
One easy way to prevent a lot of potential feline health problems down the road is to refrain from over-feeding your cat. The extra weight can directly cause health problems now and in the future. Be careful to feed your cat the proper portion amount, and also make sure that his food is packed with vital vitamins and nutrients.
Your kitty may love table scraps, but they aren’t cat friendly. The ingredients and preservatives in our food, as well as our cooking methods, are not safe for cats. A great treat for your cat is a little bit of egg or cooked beef or chicken. You don’t need to overfeed a cat, though, or he can become overweight.
Vet visits are unavoidable, but the bills can be very expensive. You can save plenty of money by buying cat medication online. These can be delivered right to your doorstep, immediately. This can be great if you have to get heart worm pills or flea treatments that your cat has to take every month.
You cat should wear a collar with tags. Cats are very resourceful and like to try to escape whenever the chance presents itself. Cats with collars and tags are much more likely to come home safe and sound if they get lost.
Caring for a cat can be a lot of work, but it’s absolutely worth it. No matter what type of cat you have, these tips will assist you in a more positive experience with your pet. Soon, the purrs will become more frequent than the meows.