If you could save the life of an animal, would you? Millions of cats are out there needing a loving home. All you have to do is adopt one and care for it, which you can learn how to do through this article.
If you are planning to get a pet cat, be sure to check with your local shelter. Shelters always have plenty of cats available and adoption fees are usually very affordable. When you bring home a shelter cat, you will be saving its life and you will be doing your part to help out.
Cats love to get into tight, small spaces. If they have to wear a collar then there may be a risk because your cat could end up getting stuck. A breakaway collar let’s go if pulled on tightly. Using this collar will prevent your cat from injuring itself.
If your cat goes outside, it is important to have a collar with a tag. Cats can travel a long way and this will help you get them back easier if they’re lost. The tag should contain at least the cat’s name and your contact information.
Spraying the electrical cords in your home with a bitter apple solution helps keep the cats from chewing on them. Cords should be covered, especially if your cat tends to chew on them. Hide those loose cords and keep them out of sight in no longer needed paper towel rolls. Store electronics when they are not in use rather than leaving them plugged in.
It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Even though a cat may live inside, you never know if it will run out the door to escape. Tags and collars can help you cat return home, but cats can wiggle out of them or risk injury by snagging them on a tree branch or bush. A microchip, on the other hand, is inserted near your cat’s shoulder blades, takes only a second to do, and all of your current contact info can be read through the chip. The chip will never be lost because it is under the skin and it can easily be read by any shelter or vet.
Litter Box
The litter box for your cat needs to be positioned in the right place. Put the litter box in a secluded area, and make sure that it is not near the cat’s food. To help control odors place the litter box in a well ventilated area. Both your cat and you will appreciate this.
Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your kids know where the cat can go. Make sure that your children know if the cat is strictly an indoor cat. By making the rules well known to your children, your children will understand what is and is not allowed.
Is there a dog in your home, as well as a cat? Dogs will always try to eat a cat’s food. Therefore, your cat’s food bowl should be placed in a high location that is out of your dog’s reach. This will ensure they don’t fight over food or water, too.
Talk to people you know about any cat problems you’re having. It is possible to work out the problem yourself, but help from others can be invaluable. There are online cat forums that allow you to ask questions as well.
Give your cat a water fountain. When cats are in the wild they tend to prefer water that is running when they are thirsty, this applies to cats at home. Cats respond well to this stream of water. Actually, certain cats like to drink right from the sink faucet as it runs. Installing a drinking fountain for your cat is a more eco-friendly way to provide it with some running water.
Moist, canned food can be a very good option for your cat. Dry food is usually cheaper, but canned food boasts a number of benefits. The water content is higher, and there is more protein and fat in the canned food. If your cat is getting older, canned food is easier to chew as well. Talk to the veterinarian prior to making any big changes; but, usually, canned food is best for your cat.
Make sure your cat has identification and a collar all the time. Even indoor cats should have identification on them. Cats are curious creatures, and you never know when they might wander off to explore. You should use a tag with your contact information and the address of your veterinarian. This is very important if your pet is likely to get lost or has some medical needs.
Prior to adopting any long-haired cat, make sure you understand the extra work involved. That hair will truly get everywhere! These breeds are best left to those with the time and energy to do a lot of cleaning. Long-haired cats also often have hairballs.
Help your cat live a longer life by keeping them healthy and keeping them current with check-ups and vaccinations. Just like children, a kitten needs to have immunizations and wellness checks periodically to avoid disease and other health problems later in life. Please consider your cat as a family member, and take good care of them.
Certain foods may be fine for you to eat daily, but not for your cat. Some of these foods include garlic, grapes, onions and green tomatoes. If your cat eats these foods, he may become sick or even die. In addition, milk can also upset your cat’s stomach.
You should feel proud about your ability to care for your cat. You’re making a conscious decision to love an animal and provide it with the care that it needs to survive. This will most certainly cause a strong bond to form, lasting even longer than the animal is alive. Properly caring for your cat will ensure that this loving bond remains intact.