Cats can be difficult to please. They are beautiful but mysterious creatures. Being informed on cats can make the cat care process easier. Here are a few helpful tips to teach you how to care for your cat.
Drape Cords
Keep your drape cords away from your cats. Do not let your cat play with these. If the cords are in loops and the cat jumps into them or plays with them, they could possibly get them caught around their neck. This may hurt them or possibly cause death. Be sure your drape cords are strongly secured.
You should be bringing your cat to their vet for a check-up regularly. Cats need special shots to keep them from getting sick, and the veterinarian will check your cats overall health. When you find a vet you like, stick with them. You won’t have to worry that the vet won’t have all of your cat’s medical records.
Cats can tend to be more nocturnal than not. The result is that they active while you’re sleeping. If your cats are busy keeping you awake early, just close your bedroom door. This should help them from waking you during the night, pouncing on your feet under the covers.
Cats are great pets, but little ones may not understand that they are fragile. Teach your kids how to treat a cat. The objective is to be as gentle as possible with your cat. A cat’s bones can be quite fragile and they need to be treated gently.
Cats generally will meow for a reason. After some time, you’ll understand why your cat purs or meows based on what she wants. Maybe she wants to go out, or maybe she wants to eat. You’ll learn her cues quickly.
Unlike most humans, cats love heights. Your cat will be truly happy if you provide a place for him to view his surroundings. If a cat tree is not your style, clear off a sturdy shelf that he can jump up on. Make it extra comfortable by adding a blanket or cushion.
Don’t think that you can teach a cat to use its litter box. They will do it on their own and don’t need to be taught. A common misconception is to rub your cats paws into the kitty litter however this isn’t a good idea.
Make sure that you play with your cat as often as possible. Of course, all mammals like to play, regardless of age or species. Even older cats love a little play, just not as rough. Enjoy some playtime with your cat.
Before bringing home a long-haired cat, consider the extra care involved. Silky, long hair can be stunning, but that fur won’t look as pretty when it’s on your sofa, clothes, and carpet. You should not get a cat with long-hair unless you are ready to do a lot of cleaning. Hair balls are also more prevalent in long haired cats.
Is there cat hair all over every surface in your home? Since cats shed so much, you must remember to brush them regularly. If your cat is shedding a lot, you should brush them more frequently. This will help to prevent tangling and matting.
Do not use cleaning supplies with phenol in them if you have a cat. Lysol, for example, has many harmful agents that can harm your cat. This smell is very offensive to cats, and prolonged exposure can even damage their liver.
It is best to keep cats indoors, near you and treated as part of your household. Cats that stay inside have been shown to live much longer than the ones that are allowed to roam your neighborhood. Outdoor trips should be made in the company of the owner to keep cats safe from the dangers (like infections and attacks) that free-ranging cats face.
You should never use medications designed for humans on your cat. The vet is the only one who should do the prescribing – not you. Providing your cat with a human medication can seriously harm them, and it just might kill them.
Beware of panting. Dogs pant and that is the norm. Cats often pant when they are anxious or overheated, but this may also signal a more serious issue. Talk to a vet right away when panting persists.
Try and incorporate dry food into your cats diet. Kittens need wet food, though. When the adult teeth develop, dry, hard food will help make teeth stronger. If your kitty is especially finicky, you can try feeding him a mix of dry and wet food.
Don’t give table scraps to your cat. People food is not an appropriate diet for cats, both because of the ingredients and the manner in which food is cooked. If you really want to treat your cat, try a tablespoon or so of cooked chicken or beef, or a little egg. You don’t need to overfeed a cat, though, or he can become overweight.
While you must use the vet for particular needs, those bills sure can stack up. You can save money on medications by ordering them online. There are a few companies that will deliver the medications right to your house. If your cat is on any maintenance medications, this is a great method to use in order to keep a little money in your pocketbook while still caring for your pet.
Cat owners sometimes want to bathe their cat. Bathing your cat is generally not necessary unless they’re really dirty or a mishap has occurred. Cats are constantly grooming themselves with their tongues. The tongue is actually barbed to help loosen and remove dirt. Cats love to be clean!
If the weather is bad outside, don’t let your cat out. This extends to windy, cold and rainy conditions. A cat will instinctively seek a place of refuge during extreme weather, including dangerous places such as under a vehicle’s hood. If you don’t bring your pet inside, you may not see them again when the weather returns to normal.
This article will provide you with useful tips on how to take good care of your pet. Make sure you use these tips to make your cat healthy and happy. Who knows? He may even start liking you. Well, perhaps!