Tag: 101

Cats 101: Everything You Need To Know

Popular poet T.S. Eliot once stated cats are animals which households depend on. He was not entirely wrong in this statement. A cat who is healthy and behaves well can be a great companion, and he can be an asset to any home. Unfortunately, cats aren’t the easiest pets to live with. This advice will make it easier to live a happy life with your cat.
Properly groom your cat. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis. This leads to a cleaner cat. It can cut down on shedding and spitting up hairballs, too. Regularly grooming keeps cats looking well and keeps your home neater.
Location is key when placing a litter box. Don’t put it in a busy area, and keep it away from your cat’s food. You’ll want to place the box in a spot with good ventilation to avoid unpleasant smells. This will


Dog 101: How To Take Better Care Of Your Dog

When you are doubting your dog ownership skills, you may feel very alone. There are many other dog owners out there who feel exactly the same! Mistakes are made, and we can learn from each other through those situations. Here are some simple tips on being a better owner for your dog.

Much like people in the United States, many dogs are overweight. Having a few extra pounds on their frame can lead to a number of health problems, like cancer or diabetes. Many owners simply overfeed their pets. Talk to your veterinarian about how many calories your dog needs each day so you can adjust their meals accordingly.

Your dog needs a stimulating environment if it is going to live a long and healthy life. Providing him or her with one is not really that hard. Simply make sure you take your dog for walks each day, and purchase …