If you know what to do to care for your cat, then the cat makes a great pet. One of your responsibilities as someone who owns a cat is to learn cat care basics so that your cat is happy and lives a long life. The following cat advice will be of great help.
Groom your cat. You should comb and/or brush them on a regular basis. If this is done frequently, your cat’s coat will be much cleaner. It also stops hairballs. Regularly grooming your cat will help keep it and your home looking great.
Cats can get into even the tiniest of spaces. If your cat wears a collar they might get hurt, and stuck. A breakaway style collar will literally “break away” if pulled too tight. Your cat can preserve a few of his nine lives with this.
Regular vet visits are very important for your cat’s health. A yearly visit for a regular check-up is important, with more frequent visits for shots as required. If there are more pressing health problems, take your cat to the vet right away.
If your cat goes outside, it is important to have a collar with a tag. Cats sometimes travel a bit when outside, and a tag prevents any mishaps due to your cat being lost. At least put your phone number and pets name on the tag.
Your cat’s claws can wreck havoc on your furniture. Think about a scratching post or kitty tower if your cat’s claws become a problem. Put cat nip on it to attract them to it. Eventually it will cause you less of a headache.
It can be tricky to keep a cat off the kitchen counters. Cats instinctively want to be at a high vantage point so they can survey their surroundings. You may be able to battle this issue by giving your cat a high place to chill. Keep your cats off the kitchen counter by placing their towers near the kitchen or even in it.
Keep your cat active and entertained to avoid boredom. They need exercise and they get it through play. But many cat owners ignore that need. Bored cats are more prone to depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as many other behavioral issues. Give them exercise space and a lot of toys. An indoor cat needs a good scratching post.
Most cats are nocturnal. Thus, the bulk of their activity will occur at night. If your cats are busy keeping you awake early, just close your bedroom door. They should stay away from you at night and then they will not be able to jump on your feet.
If you’re traveling with your cat, take care to remember their ears. While you may like to crank up the stereo when you go cruising, your pet probably prefers you keep the volume down. If your cat seems upset or agitated, turn down the music and speak calmly to him.
Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your kids know where the cat can go. Be sure that your children understand that an indoor cat must never be allowed outdoors. Clearly explaining the rules will limit future mishaps.
Brush your cat’s coat often. Brushing improves the circulation of your cat and helps spread natural oils in the fur. It will also remove loose hair. This keeps hairballs at bay, which may cause choking and build up inside their stomach from self-grooming.
Keep a collar with ID on your cat. This applies even to indoor cats. Cats are curious creatures and an open door or window is likely to be explored. They should wear a tag with your vet’s info as well as your telephone number. Veterinary information is essential if your cat needs medication.
If you’re adding an additional cat to your home, give the cats a few weeks to get to know each other. They may swat at each other or hiss; that’s nothing to be concerned about. If you give them enough time though, chances are good they will befriend each other and enjoy the extra company.
Play is an essential element of a cat’s daily life. Play is important for all mammals, even people, regardless of their age. Even older cats like to play. Enjoy some playtime with your cat.
Have your cat sport a collar that includes information regarding the owner’s name, address and telephone number. An indoor cat should also have a tag with this information because he or she can sometimes escape. Don’t take any chances; make sure your pet has the proper identification so he is returned to you.
Don’t use chemicals near your cat that have phenol. Pine-Sol and Lysol contain this ingredient. The smell of the chemical isn’t pleasant for your cat and prolonged exposure may cause liver problems.
It is best to keep cats indoors, near you and treated as part of your household. Cats who stay inside for most of their lives have a much better life span and are less likely to get diseases and parasites. Make sure your cat is trained as an indoor cat if you don’t want it to get diseases or other things that can happen when it’s outdoors.
Did you obtain cat when you did not have a job and you are now returning to work? If so, then your cat is very likely to get bored and lonely. Get another cat if you would like to be certain your cat isn’t bored.
While you might think that a cat is the ideal holiday gift for your child, it’s simply too hectic of a time. Try taking your kid to a shelter or pet store so that they can choose their pet.
Cats can be wonderful animals to keep as pets, but you need to properly care for them. Cat owners should read this article and use all of its great tips. You and your cat can enjoy a long relationship by following the tips presented here.